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While MLM is a great business opportunity and many smart people have become very rich through it, research shows that about four out of every one thousand members actually achieve MLM success or make any money. However,it's not the MLM company fault.While the best business vehicle that can pay back 100% the subscriber need to put in their 100%. Trust me, any business you cannot put in your 100 % in the building phase is bound to fail.
This is what I mean. You have to make plan to build and exit your MLM business. That plan should include your activities from day one down to your exit strategy. If you fail to make this plan then you have planned to fail from day one.
While MLM is a great business opportunity and many smart people have become very rich through it, research shows that about four out of every one thousand members actually achieve MLM success or make any money. However,it's not the MLM company fault.While the best business vehicle that can pay back 100% the subscriber need to put in their 100%. Trust me, any business you cannot put in your 100 % in the building phase is bound to fail.
This is what I mean. You have to make plan to build and exit your MLM business. That plan should include your activities from day one down to your exit strategy. If you fail to make this plan then you have planned to fail from day one.
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