A "Good" network marketing company has several elements.
- Amazing product/service -- this is the most important. The company would last if you are excited about the product without the opportunity.
- Large consumer market -- the product needs to be a potential product for a massive number of people. This is why skin care, nutrition and weight loss are marketed by 9 of the top 10 $1 billion companies. There are very few business-to-business network marketing companies.
- Experienced management -- network marketing is very unique for many reasons, but mostly because of it's dependence on people. You need management that understands the psychology of this business and the only way to get that understanding is experience. Management that hasn't been in network marketing is like a runner trying to coach a swim team.
- Strong field leadership -- I'm not talking about people who talk about how much they've done in the past, but people who are actively in the field selling, recruiting, training and building.
- A system that is simple, social and fun -- make sure that it's fun to do the business and that anyone can do it. Make sure there is a training that teaches the system. Make sure you like following the system. Make sure you can teach the system.
- Sales of actual product or services to consumers -- MLM offers products whereas Pyramid schemes do not
There are other things you want to consider, like compensation plan, but if the first few listed above are answered positively you are well on your way to finding a good network marketing company.
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