What are some good network marketing companies (MLM) and why?

A "Good" network marketing company has several elements.
  1. Amazing product/service -- this is the most important. The company would last if you are excited about the product without the opportunity. 
  2. Large consumer market -- the product needs to be a potential product for a massive number of people. This is why skin care, nutrition and weight loss are marketed by 9 of the top 10 $1 billion companies. There are very few business-to-business network marketing companies. 
  3. Experienced management -- network marketing is very unique for many reasons, but mostly because of it's dependence on people. You need management that understands the psychology of this business and the only way to get that understanding is experience. Management that hasn't been in network marketing is like a runner trying to coach a swim team. 
  4. Strong field leadership -- I'm not talking about people who talk about how much they've done in the past, but people who are actively in the field selling, recruiting, training and building. 
  5. A system that is simple, social and fun -- make sure that it's fun to do the business and that anyone can do it. Make sure there is a training that teaches the system. Make sure you like following the system. Make sure you can teach the system. 
  6. Sales of actual product or services to consumers -- MLM offers products whereas Pyramid schemes do not 
There are other things you want to consider, like compensation plan, but if the first few listed above are answered positively you are well on your way to finding a good network marketing company.

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How to Succeed in any MLM business

After selecting the right network marketing company, in our case - Happy World Meal Gate, the second most important thing is the team you join,  in our case - Team ULTRA.  Do Facebook search for "HAPPY WORLD MEAL GATE (TEAM ULTRA) +2348033802239"

While MLM is a great business opportunity and many smart people have become very rich through it, research shows that about four out of every one thousand members actually achieve MLM success or make any money. However,it's not the MLM company fault.While the best business vehicle that can pay back 100% the subscriber need to put in their 100%. Trust me, any business you cannot put in your 100 % in the building phase is bound to fail.
This is what I mean. You have to make plan to build and exit your MLM business. That plan should include your activities from day one down to your exit strategy. If you fail to make this plan then you have planned to fail from day one.

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How to Know a Genuine MLM

Definition of MLM and Pyramid schemes

Multi-level Marketing (MLM) is an advertising methodology intended to  encourage sales of products or services through system of merchants, offering multiple levels of pay.
The primary thought here is to promote most extreme number of merchants for the products and services and exponentially increment the sales force..

Pyramid schemes  are false plans, masking as a MLM technique. The contrast between a pyramid schemes and a legal MLM program is that in a Pyramid or Ponzi plans, there is no genuine trade of goods or services. That is, there is no value added to the economy. They merely cycle money . Consequently commissions are based just in light of the quantity of new people one brings into the plan.

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On Saturday, 28th of October 2017 at the Happy World Meal Gate *CAR AWARD* and one year anniversary celebration. A total of 31 people were awarded. 10 out of the 31 awardees opted for the brand new Hyundai Car worth 4.4 million Naira while 21 of them opted for 4.4 million Naira in cash. The most amazing part of the story is that Happy World Meal Gate pays in both short run and long run.  While participants get foodstuff that surpasses their registration fee in the short run, they in the long run  position themselves for great financial gain and wealth.

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On Saturday, 28th of October 2017 at the Happy World Meal Gate *CAR AWARD* and one year anniversary celebration. A total of 31 people were a...